Here at Donkey Republic we are happy consumers of the fantastic open source world. Here's a list of the libraries that helps us deliver our passion to you. The libraries are sorted by license:
* CFPropertyList 2.3.5 ( - Read, write and manipulate both binary and XML property lists as defined by apple
* actioncable 5.1.4 ( - WebSocket framework for Rails.
* actionmailer 5.1.4 ( - Email composition, delivery, and receiving framework (part of Rails).
* actionpack 5.1.4 ( - Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC (part of Rails).
* actionview 5.1.4 ( - Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails).
* active_model_serializers 0.10.7 ( - Conventions-based JSON generation for Rails.
* activejob 5.1.4 ( - Job framework with pluggable queues.
* activemodel 5.1.4 ( - A toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails).
* activerecord 5.1.4 ( - Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails).
* activerecord-postgres-earthdistance 0.5.2 ( - Check distances with latitude and longitude using PostgreSQL special indexes
* activesupport 5.1.4 ( - A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework.
* after_commit_action 1.1.0 ( - Easily defer blocks of code to the after-commit action of an ActiveRecord model.
* analytics-ruby 2.2.2 ( - analytics library
* apipie-rails 0.5.5 ( - Rails REST API documentation tool
* arel 8.0.0 ( - Arel Really Exasperates Logicians Arel is a SQL AST manager for Ruby
* ast 2.3.0 ( - A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees.
* audited 4.5.0 ( - Log all changes to your models
* autoprefixer-rails 7.1.0 ( - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website.
* bcrypt 3.1.11 ( - OpenBSD's bcrypt() password hashing algorithm.
* bcrypt-ruby 3.1.5 ( - OpenBSD's bcrypt() password hashing algorithm.
* binding_of_caller 0.7.2 ( - Retrieve the binding of a method's caller. Can also retrieve bindings even further up the stack.
* bootstrap-sass 3.3.7 ( - bootstrap-sass is a Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3, ready to drop right into your Sass powered applications.
* bootstrap3-datetimepicker-rails 4.17.47 ( - Bootstrap3 bootstrap-datetimepicker's JS + CSS for Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
* builder 3.2.3 ( - Builders for MarkUp.
* bullet 5.6.1 ( - help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading.
* bulma-rails 0.6.1 ( - This gem adds the assets to your asset pipeline so you can import them in your Rails project.
* bundler 1.16.0 ( - The best way to manage your application's dependencies
* cancancan 2.1.2 ( - Simple authorization solution for Rails.
* capybara 2.13.0 ( - Capybara aims to simplify the process of integration testing Rack applications, such as Rails, Sinatra or Merb
* carrierwave 1.2.1 ( - Ruby file upload library
* case_transform 0.2 ( - CaseTransform-0.2
* chart-js-rails 0.1.2 () - Create HTML5 charts
* childprocess 0.8.0 ( - A simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs running in the background on any Ruby / OS combination.
* choice 0.2.0 ( - Choice is a command line option parser.
* codeclimate-test-reporter 1.0.8 ( - Uploads Ruby test coverage data to Code Climate.
* coderay 1.1.2 ( - Fast syntax highlighting for selected languages.
* coffee-rails 4.2.2 ( - CoffeeScript adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
* coffee-script 2.4.1 ( - Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler
* coffee-script-source 1.12.2 ( - The CoffeeScript Compiler
* commander 4.4.3 ( - The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables
* concurrent-ruby 1.0.5 ( - Modern concurrency tools for Ruby. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Haskell, F#, C#, Java, and classic concurrency patterns.
* counter_culture 1.9.0 ( - Turbo-charged counter caches for your Rails app.
* countries 2.1.2 ( - Gives you a country object full of all sorts of useful information.
* country_select 3.1.1 ( - Country Select Plugin
* crack 0.4.3 ( - Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.
* crass 1.0.3 ( - CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 spec.
* daemons 1.2.4 ( - A toolkit to create and control daemons in different ways
* dalli 2.7.6 ( - High performance memcached client for Ruby
* debug_inspector 0.0.3 ( - A Ruby wrapper for the MRI 2.0 debug_inspector API
* delayed_job 4.1.3 ( - Database-backed asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from Shopify
* delayed_job_active_record 4.1.2 ( - ActiveRecord backend for DelayedJob
* devise 4.3.0 ( - Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
* did_you_mean 1.1.0 ( - "Did you mean?" experience in Ruby
* diff-lcs 1.3 ( - Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm
* docile 1.1.5 ( - Docile keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved
* dotenv 2.2.1 ( - Loads environment variables from `.env`.
* dotenv-rails 2.2.1 ( - Autoload dotenv in Rails.
* erubi 1.7.0 ( - Small ERB Implementation
* exception_notification 4.2.2 ( - Exception notification for Rails apps
* excon 0.58.0 ( - speed, persistence, http(s)
* execjs 2.7.0 ( - Run JavaScript code from Ruby
* factory_bot 4.8.2 ( - factory_bot provides a framework and DSL for defining and using model instance factories.
* factory_bot_rails 4.8.2 ( - factory_bot_rails provides integration between factory_bot and rails 3 or newer
* fake_stripe 0.1.0 ( - A fake Stripe server.
* faraday 0.13.1 ( - HTTP/REST API client library.
* fission 0.5.0 ( - Command line tool to manage VMware Fusion VMs
* fog 1.41.0 ( - brings clouds to you
* fog-aliyun 0.2.0 ( - Fog provider for Aliyun Web Services.
* fog-atmos 0.1.0 () - Module for the 'fog' gem to support Atmos.
* fog-aws 1.4.0 ( - Module for the 'fog' gem to support Amazon Web Services.
* fog-brightbox 0.13.0 ( - This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Brightbox Cloud in applications
* fog-cloudatcost 0.1.2 ( - Module for the 'fog' gem to support CloudAtCost.
* fog-core 1.45.0 ( - Shared classes and tests for fog providers and services.
* fog-digitalocean 0.3.0 ( - DigitalOcean fog provider gem
* fog-dnsimple 1.0.0 ( - Module for the 'fog' gem to support DNSimple.
* fog-dynect 0.0.3 ( - Module for the 'fog' gem to support Dynect DNS.
* fog-ecloud 0.3.0 () - Module for the 'fog' gem to support Terremark EnterpriseCloud.
* fog-google 0.1.0 ( - Module for the 'fog' gem to support Google.
* fog-internet-archive 0.0.1 ( - Module for the 'fog' gem to support Internet Archive.
* fog-joyent 0.0.1 ( - This library can be used as a module for 'fog'.
* fog-json 1.0.2 ( - JSON parsing for fog providers
* fog-local 0.3.1 ( - Module for the 'fog' gem to support local filesystem storage.
* fog-openstack 0.1.21 ( - OpenStack fog provider gem
* fog-powerdns 0.1.1 ( - Module for the 'fog' gem to support PowerDNS DNS services.
* fog-profitbricks 3.0.0 ( - Module for the 'fog' gem to support ProfitBricks.
* fog-rackspace 0.1.5 ( - Rackspace support for Fog
* fog-radosgw 0.0.5 ( - Fog backend for provisioning Ceph Radosgw.
* fog-riakcs 0.1.0 () - Module for the 'fog' gem to support Riakcs.
* fog-sakuracloud 1.7.5 () - Module for the 'fog' gem to support Sakura no Cloud
* fog-serverlove 0.1.2 () - Module for the 'fog' gem to support ServerLove.
* fog-softlayer 1.1.4 ( - This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the SoftLayer Cloud in applications
* fog-storm_on_demand 0.1.1 () - Module for the 'fog' gem to support StormOnDemand.
* fog-terremark 0.1.0 () - Module for the 'fog' gem to support Terremark vCloud.
* fog-vmfusion 0.1.0 () - Module for the 'fog' gem to support VMWARE FUSION.
* fog-voxel 0.1.0 () - Module for the 'fog' gem to support Voxel.
* fog-vsphere 1.11.3 ( - Module for the 'fog' gem to support VMware vSphere.
* fog-xenserver 0.3.0 ( - This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the XENSERVER in applications.
* fog-xml 0.1.3 ( - XML parsing for fog providers
* formatador 0.2.5 ( - Ruby STDOUT text formatting
* fuubar 2.2.0 ( - the instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter
* gem-licenses 0.2.1 ( - Attempts to figure out what licenses various gems use.
* geocoder 1.4.5 ( - Complete geocoding solution for Ruby.
* gibbon 3.2.0 ( - A wrapper for MailChimp API 3.0 and Export API
* globalid 0.4.1 ( - Refer to any model with a URI: gid://app/class/id
* goldiloader 2.0.1 ( - Automatic Rails association eager loading
* google_places 1.0.0 ( - A Ruby wrapper around the Google Places API.
* haml 5.0.1 ( - An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine.
* hashdiff 0.3.6 ( - HashDiff is a diff lib to compute the smallest difference between two hashes.
* hashie 3.5.6 ( - Your friendly neighborhood hash library.
* httparty 0.15.6 ( - Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
* i18n 0.9.1 ( - New wave Internationalization support for Ruby
* i18n-tasks 0.9.19 ( - Manage localization and translation with the awesome power of static analysis
* i18n_data 0.8.0 ( - country/language names and 2-letter-code pairs, in 85 languages
* iban-tools 1.1.0 ( - IBAN validator
* inflection 1.0.0 ( - Provies english inflection.
* inflecto 0.0.2 ( - Inflector for strings
* ipaddress 0.8.3 ( - IPv4/IPv6 address manipulation library
* jbuilder 2.7.0 ( - Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL
* jquery-rails 4.3.1 ( - Use jQuery with Rails 4+
* jsonapi-renderer 0.2.0 ( - Render JSONAPI documents.
* jwt 1.5.6 ( - JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby
* kaminari 1.1.1 ( - A pagination engine plugin for Rails 4+ and other modern frameworks
* kaminari-actionview 1.1.1 ( - Kaminari Action View adapter
* kaminari-activerecord 1.1.1 ( - Kaminari Active Record adapter
* kaminari-core 1.1.1 ( - Kaminari's core pagination library
* loofah 2.1.1 ( - Loofah is a general library for manipulating and transforming HTML/XML documents and fragments
* mail 2.7.0 ( - Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails.
* mailcatcher 0.2.4 ( - Runs an SMTP server, catches and displays email in a web interface.
* memcachier 0.0.2 ( - Compatibility gem for using memcached libraries with MemCachier
* memory_profiler 0.9.8 ( - Memory profiling routines for Ruby 2.1+
* method_source 0.9.0 ( - retrieve the sourcecode for a method
* mime-types 3.1 ( - The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME content type definitions
* mime-types-data 3.2016.0521 ( - mime-types-data provides a registry for information about MIME media type definitions
* mini_magick 4.8.0 ( - Manipulate images with minimal use of memory via ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick
* mini_mime 0.1.4 ( - A lightweight mime type lookup toy
* mini_portile2 2.3.0 ( - Simplistic port-like solution for developers
* minitest 5.10.3 ( - minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking
* momentjs-rails 2.17.1 ( - The Moment.js JavaScript library ready to play with Rails.
* money 6.10.0 ( - A Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion.
* multi_json 1.12.2 ( - A common interface to multiple JSON libraries.
* multi_xml 0.6.0 ( - A generic swappable back-end for XML parsing
* multipart-post 2.0.0 ( - A multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP.
* mustermann 1.0.1 ( - Your personal string matching expert.
* nexmo 4.7.0 ( - This is the Ruby client library for Nexmo's API. To use it you'll need a Nexmo account. Sign up for free at
* nio4r 2.1.0 ( - New IO for Ruby
* nokogiri 1.8.1 ( - Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser
* orm_adapter 0.5.0 ( - orm_adapter provides a single point of entry for using basic features of popular ruby ORMs. Its target audience is gem authors who want to support many ruby ORMs.
* parallel 1.12.0 ( - Run any kind of code in parallel processes
* parser ( - A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby.
* polyamorous 1.3.1 ( - Loves/is loved by polymorphic belongs_to associations, Ransack, Squeel, MetaSearch...
* powerpack 0.1.1 ( - A few useful extensions to core Ruby classes.
* pry 0.11.3 ( - An IRB alternative and runtime developer console
* pry-byebug 3.5.1 ( - Fast debugging with Pry.
* pry-rails 0.3.6 ( - Use Pry as your rails console
* pry-stack_explorer ( - Walk the stack in a Pry session
* public_suffix 3.0.0 ( - Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List.
* rack 2.0.3 ( - a modular Ruby webserver interface
* rack-attack 5.0.1 ( - Block & throttle abusive requests
* rack-mini-profiler 0.10.7 ( - Profiles loading speed for rack applications.
* rack-protection 2.0.0 ( - Protect against typical web attacks, works with all Rack apps, including Rails.
* rack-proxy 0.6.2 ( - A request/response rewriting HTTP proxy. A Rack app.
* rack-test 0.8.2 ( - Simple testing API built on Rack
* rails 5.1.4 ( - Full-stack web application framework.
* rails-controller-testing 1.0.1 ( - Extracting `assigns` and `assert_template` from ActionDispatch.
* rails-dom-testing 2.0.3 ( - Dom and Selector assertions for Rails applications
* rails-erd 1.5.2 ( - Entity-relationship diagram for your Rails models.
* rails-html-sanitizer 1.0.3 ( - This gem is responsible to sanitize HTML fragments in Rails applications.
* railties 5.1.4 ( - Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications.
* rainbow 2.2.2 ( - Colorize printed text on ANSI terminals
* rake 12.3.0 ( - Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby
* ransack 1.8.4 ( - Object-based searching for Active Record and Mongoid (currently).
* rb-fsevent 0.10.2 ( - Very simple & usable FSEvents API
* rb-inotify 0.9.10 ( - A Ruby wrapper for Linux inotify, using FFI
* rbvmomi 1.11.3 ( - Ruby interface to the VMware vSphere API
* responders 2.4.0 ( - A set of Rails responders to dry up your application
* rspec-core 3.7.0 ( - rspec-core-3.7.0
* rspec-expectations 3.7.0 ( - rspec-expectations-3.7.0
* rspec-mocks 3.7.0 ( - rspec-mocks-3.7.0
* rspec-rails 3.7.2 ( - RSpec for Rails
* rspec-support 3.7.0 ( - rspec-support-3.7.0
* rubocop 0.51.0 ( - Automatic Ruby code style checking tool.
* ruby-progressbar 1.9.0 ( - Ruby/ProgressBar is a flexible text progress bar library for Ruby.
* safe_yaml 1.0.4 ( - SameYAML provides an alternative implementation of YAML.load suitable for accepting user input in Ruby applications.
* sass 3.5.3 ( - A powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again.
* sass-listen 4.0.0 ( - Fork of guard/listen
* sass-rails 5.0.7 ( - Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
* shoulda-matchers 3.1.2 ( - Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
* simple_enum 2.3.0 ( - Simple enum-like field support for models.
* simple_form 3.5.0 ( - Forms made easy!
* simple_form_ransack 0.0.19 ( - Ransack and SimpleForm combined.
* simplecov 0.13.0 ( - Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites
* simplecov-html 0.10.0 ( - Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 1.9+
* sinatra 2.0.0 ( - Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
* sixarm_ruby_unaccent 1.2.0 ( - → Ruby → Unaccent
* skinny 0.2.4 ( - Thin WebSockets
* slack-notifier 2.3.1 ( - A slim ruby wrapper for posting to slack webhooks
* sort_alphabetical 1.1.0 ( - Sort UTF8 Strings alphabetical via Enumerable extension
* spring 2.0.2 ( - Rails application preloader
* spring-commands-rspec 1.0.4 ( - rspec command for spring
* sprockets 3.7.1 ( - Rack-based asset packaging system
* sprockets-rails 3.2.1 ( - Sprockets Rails integration
* state_machines 0.5.0 ( - State machines for attributes
* state_machines-activemodel 0.5.0 ( - ActiveModel integration for State Machines
* state_machines-activerecord 0.5.0 ( - State machines Active Record Integration
* stripe 3.8.0 ( - Ruby bindings for the Stripe API
* stripe_event 1.9.0 ( - Stripe webhook integration for Rails applications.
* temple 0.8.0 ( - Template compilation framework in Ruby
* terminal-table 1.8.0 ( - Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library
* thor 0.20.0 ( - Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.
* tilt 2.0.8 ( - Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
* timezone 1.2.9 ( - timezone-1.2.9
* trollop 2.1.2 ( - Trollop is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way.
* tzinfo 1.2.4 ( - Daylight savings aware timezone library
* uglifier 3.2.0 ( - Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
* unicode-display_width 1.3.0 ( - Determines the monospace display width of a string in Ruby.
* uniform_notifier 1.10.0 ( - uniform notifier for rails logger, customized logger, javascript alert, javascript console, growl and xmpp
* warden 1.2.7 ( - Rack middleware that provides authentication for rack applications
* webmock 3.0.1 ( - Library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby.
* webpacker 3.0.2 ( - Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
* websocket-driver 0.6.5 ( - WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O
* websocket-extensions 0.1.2 ( - Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections
* xpath 2.1.0 ( - Generate XPath expressions from Ruby
BSD 2-Clause
* byebug 9.1.0 ( - Ruby fast debugger - base + CLI
* io-console 0.4.6 ( - Console interface
* rubyzip 1.2.1 ( - rubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files
* unicode_utils 1.4.0 ( - additional Unicode aware functions for Ruby 1.9
Apache 2.0
* addressable 2.5.2 ( - URI Implementation
* msgpack 1.1.0 ( - MessagePack, a binary-based efficient data interchange format.
* selenium-webdriver 3.8.0 ( - The next generation developer focused tool for automated testing of webapps
* sixarm_ruby_unaccent 1.2.0 ( - → Ruby → Unaccent
* thread_safe 0.3.6 ( - Thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby
* zendesk_api 1.16.0 ( - Zendesk REST API Client
* ffi 1.9.18 ( - Ruby FFI
* pg 0.21.0 ( - Pg is the Ruby interface to the {PostgreSQL RDBMS}[]
* puma 3.11.0 ( - Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications
* sixarm_ruby_unaccent 1.2.0 ( - → Ruby → Unaccent
* eventmachine ( - Ruby/EventMachine library
* highline 1.7.8 ( - HighLine is a high-level command-line IO library.
* json 1.8.6 ( - JSON Implementation for Ruby
* thin 1.6.2 ( - A thin and fast web server
* xml-simple 1.1.5 ( - A simple API for XML processing.
* diff-lcs 1.3 ( - Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm
* sixarm_ruby_unaccent 1.2.0 ( - → Ruby → Unaccent
* sixarm_ruby_unaccent 1.2.0 ( - → Ruby → Unaccent
* sixarm_ruby_unaccent 1.2.0 ( - → Ruby → Unaccent
* diff-lcs 1.3 ( - Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm
* thread 0.2.2 ( - Various extensions to the base thread library.
* easy_translate 0.5.0 ( - Google Translate API Wrapper for Ruby
* keystash 0.1.0 ( - Ruby library for the keystash API
* mandrill-api 1.0.53 ( - A Ruby API library for the Mandrill email as a service platform.
* rack_session_access 0.1.1 ( - Rack middleware that provides access to rack.session environment
* sqlite3-ruby 1.3.3 ( - This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (
* eventmachine ( - Ruby/EventMachine library
* sqlite3 1.3.13 ( - This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (
* newrelic_rpm ( - New Relic Ruby Agent
* ruby-graphviz 1.2.3 ( - Interface to the GraphViz graphing tool
proprietary (see
* scout_apm 2.3.1 ( - Ruby application performance monitoring
* timber 2.6.1 ( - Log Better. Solve Problems Faster.
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