- Day Deals are special offers available in some, but not all cities.
- You can only buy a Day Deal at the time you are booking a bike.
- A Day Deal will be offered to you after you select a bike, and continue in the booking process.
- Members with active memberships will not be presented Day Deals
- Day Deals are either for normal pedal bikes or for e-bikes, unless specifically mentioned the Day Deal is for pedal bikes only.
- Currently we have Day Deals in the following cities/regions, for up to date pricing please select a bike in one of these cities in the app:
- Copenhagen (pedal bikes)
- Rotterdam (pedal bikes)
- Barcelona (pedal bikes)
- Amsterdam (pedal bikes)
- Aarhus (pedal bikes)
- Ghent (pedal bikes)
- Regensburg (e-bikes)
- Antwerp (pedal bikes and e-bikes)
- Geneva (pedal bikes)
- Den Haag Westhoek (pedal bikes)
- Prignitz (pedal bikes)
- Hannover (pedal bikes)
- Dordrecht (pedal bikes)
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